Cookie Policy

Please read this Cookie Policy carefully before you start using our website. By continuing to use this website, you agree to our Cookie Policy. If you do not agree to our Cookie Policy, please disable cookies in your browser settings. Note, however, that if you disable cookies, certain functions on this website may not work properly.

Use of cookies on this website

In order to provide greater user convenience and maintain and improve service quality, this website uses cookies for the purposes stated below, not for the purpose of obtaining personal information of users.

For an optimal display and better services on the website
For statistical research on and analysis of the access to the website (Google Analytics)

Use of Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytic service provided by Google, Inc., to track the access status on the website. Google Analytics analyzes the access status by using cookies we provide. We receive the analysis results, including the Google Analytic report on user and interest categories, from Google, Inc., and grasp the utilization of our website. The information that is collected, recorded and analyzed by Google Analytics does not involve any information to identify specific individuals. The information collected, recorded and analyzed by Google Analytics is managed by Google, Inc. in accordance with its privacy policy. Please refer to the terms of service of Google Analytics and the privacy policy of Google, Inc. through the following links.

Managing and clearing cookies

You can disable cookies by changing browser settings of your computer, tablet or smartphone. You can also delete cookies from your browser.

Inquiries about our Cookie Policy

If you have any questions or concerns about this Cookie Policy, please contact us using the contact form via the link below. When you disable cookies, you can still use this website but certain functions on the website may not be available. For how to change browser settings, please refer to the website of the relevant browser company.